
更新时间:2022-10-25      点击次数:1915

Create World-Leading In-Situ Electron Microscopy Solutions





一、Spring Series In-Situ Holders(透射电镜液体光热电原位系统)

Spring Series In-Situ Holders(透射电镜液体光热电原位系统)是在原位样品台内部构建小型的液体环境芯片实验室,在液体环境内对材料进行原子分辨高时空精度分析。根据客户需求,结合MEMS微加工工艺,内置加热模块、光学模块和电学模块,结合透射电镜成像系统,实现对单个纳米材料在热、光、电外场刺激条件下的形貌结构、化学组分、元素价态的原位动态观测,极大扩展了透射电镜的功能与应用领域。

图1 TEM液体多功能集成样品杆示意图.jpg

图1 Spring Series In-Situ Holders(透射电镜液体光热电原位系统)示意图


Spring Series In-Situ Holders(透射电镜液体光热电原位系统)可在透射电镜中实现液体样品的电化学反应/加热过程/光学反应过程的实时动态高分辨成像。













Structure and composition analysis of Sn@SnOx nanocrystals synthesized by thermal deposition. a Low- and b high-magnification TEM images and c HAADF-STEM image of the Sn-SnOx core-shell structure and corresponding elemental mapping of Sn (green) and O (red).

Peng, X., Zhu, FC., Jiang, YH. et al. Identification of a quasi-liquid phase at solid–liquid interface.Nat Commun 13,3601 (2022).





The in situ observation of layer growth dynamics of InCl3.3H2O ultrathin nanosheets. Sequential TEM images of A) the nucleate growth of a single layer, C) the enation growth of a single layer, E) the enation growth of two layers, B,D) the corresponding statistics of the length of growth layer in (A,C) as a function of time, and F) statistics of the angle of enation growth layer in (E) as a function of time, respectively.

Zhang J, Jiang Y, Fan Q, et al. Atomic Scale Tracking of Single Layer Oxide Formation: Self‐Peeling and Phase Transition in Solution[J]. Small Methods, 2021, 5(7): 2001234.




In situ TEM observation of the structural changes of hydrogen evolution active sites under different illumination time.

In situ liquid optics chip: 20 nm silicon nitride.HRTEM images of Cu2O samples with different irradiated time: (a) 1 h, (b) 2 h, (c) 3 h, and schematic diagrams of (d) Cu2O structure change under irradiation.


Yu, et al., Appl. Catal., B 284 (2021) 119743.





图5/图6  流体流动及扩散对晶体生长形貌影响观察

Efficient CO2 reduction MOFs derivatives transformation mechanism revealed by in-situ liquid phase TEM[J]. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022, 307: 121164.

图7/图8 光照下环境氛围对纳米团簇演变过程影响

Visualizing light-induced dynamic structural transformations of Au clusters-based photocatalyst via in situ TEM[J]. Nano Research, 2021, 14(8): 2805-2809.






In situ atomic resolution HRTEM observation on the behaviors of sulfobetaine molecules at the solid-liquid interface under external electric field and the formation of the waterproof layer around the negative electrode surface.

Controlling Interfacial Structural Evolution in Aqueous Electrolyte via Anti-Electrolytic Zwitterionic Waterproofing. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, 2207140.  

DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202207140

图10/ 图11

HAADF-STEM images and EDS mapping of the porous carbon electrodes with different charging conditions. and the HRTEM images showing the self-aggregation of sulfobetaine in the bulk liquid phase.

Controlling Interfacial Structural Evolution in Aqueous Electrolyte via Anti-Electrolytic Zwitterionic Waterproofing. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, 2207140.  

DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202207140



二、Volcano Series In-Situ Holders(透射电镜双倾光热电原位系统)

Volcano Series In-Situ Holders(透射电镜双倾光热电原位系统)针对快速变温过程原位高分辨研究需求构建的原位观察平台,根据客户需求结合MEMS微加工工艺内置加热模块、电学模块和光学模块,通过对样品的外场控制完成热学、电学及光学性质的研究。

ChipNova Volcano Series In-Situ Holders(透射电镜双倾光热电原位系统),同时涵盖原位双倾功能模块、光学功能模块、电学功能模块、加热功能模块,可在透射电镜中实现固体样品微结构变化的原位表征。在原位双倾转角功能的基础上,通过开创性的将光作为外部条件搭载在原位样品台系统上,结合MEMS微纳加工制作的超低飘移微区加热芯片,实现全新的双倾-光-电-热四功能耦合,在操作α/β角度转动的同时,可同时引入光场刺激、电场刺激、热场刺激,各功能模块可同时在线工作并且相互独立,互不干扰。

图 TEM多功能双倾样品杆示意图.jpg



图12 Volcano Series In-Situ Holders(透射电镜双倾光热电原位系统)







图13 1300℃恒温,金属合金扩散,芯片温度稳定性好,漂移率低


图14 室温-1000℃变温过程MOF材料碳化研究


三、Gravity Series In-Situ Holders(透射电镜高温力学原位系统)

厦门超新芯科技有限公司所研发生产的Gravity Series In-Situ Holders(透射电镜高温力学原位系统)是通过在原位样品杆内置力学测量模块、三维纳米运动模块、原位加热芯片,可对材料进行应力及热场条件下原子分辨高时空分析。通过该系统,在透射电镜中通过纳米探针或者原位芯片对样品进行操纵和拉应力、压应力测量。并且在测量样品压力同时实现对样品1000℃的加热,在高温力学测量的同时,能够动态、高分辨地对样品的晶体结构、组分进行综合表征。



图 原位TEM力学样品杆示意图.jpg



图15  Gravity Series In-Situ Holders(透射电镜高温力学原位系统)示意图









图18 钨纳米棒原位压缩过程














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